Category: Snarky Coloring PagesPage 2 of 5
This image says “Can a Bitch Get Some Chocolate?” and I think it translates pretty well without me telling you what it means.
Here is a snarky, funny image of a dog’s gravestone. The caption says that you are so old that you would have died a bunch of times already if you were a dog.
Here is a snarky and funny image of a gravestone and a caption that says that when life is getting you down and you are overwhelmed with life, at least you get to die some day.
The image is saying that the child knows that he or she is the favorite so why is everybody still pretending like they don’t know this is true.
Here is a funny, snarky image of a man giving a back rub to his girlfriend or wife. This image is making fun of their relationship together, with a sly snarky comment about their marriage or relationship.
I Will Not Make Any Looks Related Jokes Because I Genuinely Feel Bad About How Ugly You Are. Don’t use this joke on any specific person, this is only meant to be silly. Don’t be mean.
I Will Not Make Any Fat Jokes Because I Genuinely Feel Bad About How Fat You Are. This is a snarky weight joke that is only being silly, please don’t use it for any specific person.
How is it that when I see someone I know, such as a neighbor or a coworker, they seem to hellishly appear in every single aisle? How is that even physically possible?! There are only so many head nods and awkward waves that I am willing to make!!!
If I Cover Up My Eyes Can You Really Disappear for Real? A snarky one-liner joke that you can send to someone that you can’t stand…just for fun.