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Here is a funny, snarky image of a man giving a back rub to his girlfriend or wife. This image is making fun of their relationship together, with a sly snarky comment about their marriage or relationship.
I Will Not Make Any Looks Related Jokes Because I Genuinely Feel Bad About How Ugly You Are. Don’t use this joke on any specific person, this is only meant to be silly. Don’t be mean.
I Will Not Make Any Fat Jokes Because I Genuinely Feel Bad About How Fat You Are. This is a snarky weight joke that is only being silly, please don’t use it for any specific person.
How is it that when I see someone I know, such as a neighbor or a coworker, they seem to hellishly appear in every single aisle? How is that even physically possible?! There are only so many head nods and awkward waves that I am willing to make!!!
If I Cover Up My Eyes Can You Really Disappear for Real? A snarky one-liner joke that you can send to someone that you can’t stand…just for fun.
I Don’t Want to Remember This as a Time That I Could Have Avoided Eye Contact – I want to look back on this time as a time where I could have avoided you entirely.
This is a good pointer for you…nobody loves you as much as you love those damned cats of yours. Maybe if you left the house once in a while without your cat-filled stroller, people would like you a bit more.
This is good, sound advice. If you are a woman, never make eye contact while eating a Popsicle or ice cream cone. This is good advice, as men will ogle you and make you feel like a little whore.
I can’t stand being part of humanity, I am going to leave the general population and move to the woods. In the woods, their are forest animals and nature, but there are no people.